Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Why Good Things Come To Those Who Hustle

Sometimes, being identified as a hustler can have a negative connotation. Hustlers are often thought of as crafty, manipulative schemers who take advantage of others. But there are also many positive traits associated with those who are distinguished as hustlers.

For instance, in business when we think of someone who hustles, we think of someone who stays busy, thinks quickly, seizes opportunity, has a great sales pitch (the gift of persuasion), can take on any challenge, makes things happen, and gets things done!

A hustler is someone who just plain and simple makes a way when there’s NO way. A hustler will never take “no” for an answer. They are individuals who more often than not, find themselves on the winning side – succeeding and achieving at just about everything they take on. 

Repeatedly, we find that good things come to those who hustle, and who are not willing to accept less. We find that those who just keep hustling ultimately get the results they desire. It is not a mere coincidence that hustling leads to positive results. We can clearly see from example and experience that a successful result is tied to one’s ability and willingness to work harder than anyone else.

So, let’s look at the useful and positive traits required to be a successful hustler and turn losing into winning. While each one has their unique style or method for winning, there are a few staples that every hustler keeps in their tool bag.

These characteristics are always handy and accessible in ensuring that good things come to those who hustle.



Top Reasons Why Good Things Come To Those Who Hustle

1.) Time and Effort

Why Good Things Come To Those Who Hustle

Sacrifice, hard work – the never-ending grind – is the modus operandi of a true, dedicated hustler. There is NO defined schedule (no 9-5). Instead, a hustler puts in as much time as they deem necessary to grab hold of what they want. Hustlers don’t allow themselves to get boxed in by routines and time limits.

Theirs is a labor of love. They find joy in exerting the energy needed to accomplish their vision. Hard work, long hours, multiple assignments, risky business, are all sweet-sounding descriptions of time and effort (from their view).

You see, every hustler knows that laying around hoping or relying solely on faith without action will never turn a dream to reality, or transform hope into real possibilities.


2.) Determination

Courage, willpower, and guts – these are the foundation of a hustler’s game. Every hustler has a vision, a goal, or a desire they see in their mind’s eye. They are willing to go after it regardless of the potential challenges. So they set up a solid basis for achieving greatness.

They understand that they will encounter pain, get turned around, and fall countless times. But they never focus on the negatives. No matter the obstacle or issue that comes their way, they fight past it and pick up their pace.  

Good things come to those who hustle because they can outlast every storm and survive disasters to begin anew. They operate in the spirit of never giving up, and persevering against all odds. Hustlers outplay and outlast all contenders.


3.) Preparedness

Why Good Things Come To Those Who Hustle

A hustler stays prepared. First, they pack the right tools and bring the right supplies. They know what the adventure entails so they bring the physical items and tune their minds and emotions accordingly.  But they are also flexible enough to change direction, adjust their timing, or reconfigure their plan without getting frazzled.

They are quick to sense an opportunity or see a new angle they could go after without much hesitation.  A hustler is like a chameleon – they become what they need to be given the time and space they are in. A true hustler never misses the train, plane, or bus. 

They are first in line to claim that prime seat. They are never left behind because they are always ready, always prepared to claim the prize. When opportunity knocks, the hustler is right there to snatch it.


4.) Persuasion

If a hustler needs to convince others to follow them, act on their ideas, or assist them, they must be emotionally tied to their vision.

They must have no doubt in the validity of that vision. Then, they must utilize their mastery of communication to get their message across in such a powerful manner that listeners buy-in with little to no hesitation. They pump us up and get us committed to their goals and desire. Before you know it, we are their advocates, supporters, and contributors working hard to help them reach that pinnacle.  

A good hustler knows nothing is every handed over on a silver platter. They realize that they will often have to negotiate and bargain to acquire what they want. They understand that the ability to effectively persuade others is critical to accomplishing their goals. 

Think about it: if a hustler can manage to get people from all levels of society, with a variety of talent and a pool or resources in their camp, how can they lose? This is why good things come to those who hustle.


5.) Network

Why Good Things Come To Those Who Hustle

Nobody makes it on their own. Regardless of what people are willing to admit, the right connections and contacts play a significant role in getting us to the place of success. Any accomplished hustler knows that they must interact with others.

Hustlers will link with those in their field, as well as those who have resources or access to assets and people who can help them to advance. They pull from the best of the best, combine those pieces, and churn out something special.  

They not only form relationships with knowledgeable individuals, but also create valuable partnerships. They glean information from those who have already found success. In doing so, they gain easy access to direction, examples, and mentorship. These all help to lead them down the road to greatness.


Hustlers make things happen.

Yes, good hustlers are calculating. But, more importantly, they plan, strive, and go after what they want with NO reservations. Their mind is always defining their next move. They stay in touch with what’s hot and what’s not, as well as who’s hot and who’s not. This way, they know where to focus their attention to get just what they want.

They invest time and effort, display fierce determination, operate in a state of constant preparedness, nurture and use their gift of persuasion, as well as snatch every networking opportunity. Hustlers are neither afraid nor ashamed to stake their claim. They stand ready to reap the fruits of their labor.

As winners, they know that in the end, good things may come to those who wait – but, truly good things come to those who hustle!  

The post Why Good Things Come To Those Who Hustle appeared first on Everyday Power Blog.

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