Saturday, July 14, 2018

The 10 Best Inspirational Biographies

Looking for inspirational biographies for 2018 and beyond? We got you!

When a person is down on their luck and needs advice, there is no better place to look than in a biography about a successful person.

Many people have instilled within themselves the notion that successful individuals do not go through hardships. Inspirational biographies, however, provide insight into life struggles of the rich and successful. They show how those individuals resolved conflict in their lives, and how they went on to become the best. Biographies are awesome because they give ordinary people confidence to conquer any hardship they face.

Below is my personal list of the top 10 most inspirational biographies that are sure to inspire readers to change their lives and the world.

10) Geronimo, by Geronimo

Many tales have been told about Geronimo, the great Apache Tribe leader. Some of those are facts and some are fiction.

Geronimo tells his story to set the record straight. In this autobiography, he tells us about the Apache culture, his family, his youth, and his journey to becoming the legendary warrior who we are familiar with. In this epic, the reader witnesses true dedication and determination.


9) 12 Years A Slave, by Solomon Northup

Solomon was living the dream of every man: having a family and making a living doing what he loved. One day however, Solomon was sold into slavery. Throughout his unimaginable misfortune, his love for his family and his resilient hope kept him going when so many others would have given up.


8) The Pursuit of Happyness, by Chris Gardner

Eversince he could remember, Chris battled challenging circumstances. He was faced with being a fatherless child and experienced abused by his step-father. Never giving in to despair or his surrounding situations, Chris achieved what only a few believed he could do.

7) Steve Jobs, by Walter Issacson

Steve Jobs, one of the world’s most beloved yet confusing figures granted Walter Issacson all access to his life. Jobs takes us back to his childhood and how he dealt with being adopted. In one of the most inspirational biographies, he shows us how his shortcomings had shaped him to be the person we love and one of the most stubborn, innovative geniuses of all time.

6) Young Mandela, by David James Smith

Nelson Mandela is revered all over the world. He is a symbol of freedom, kindness, and moral authority. However, Mandela did not always share these qualities. Journey back in this biography and one will find the sacrifices and bad decisions Mandela had to make to become a world symbol.

5)  Mohandas K. Gandhi Autobiography

Monandas Mahatas Ghandi takes the reader on a journey into his experiments with truth, non-violent protest, and his fight for India’s freedom. Ghandi shows us how having a deep understanding of spirituality and love can overcome anything.

4) Autobiography of a Yogi – Paramahansa Yogananda

This is an inspiring and entertaining classic that has been selected as one of the Best Spiritual Books of the Twentieth Century. Yogananda introduces the reader to the ancient science of Yoga and his journey of becoming an Yogi. This classic was a favorite of Steve Jobs, George Harrison, Elvis Presley and many more.

3) Autobiography of Martin Luther King Jr., by Clayborne Carson

Through unpublished interviews, writings, and recordings, Clayborne pieces together a biography of Martin Luther King Jr. that expands from his childhood to moments before his death. We get a firsthand look at Dr. King’s inspirations, hardships, and passion.

2) Up from Slavery, by Booker T. Washington

Booker T. Washington takes us on his journey from being born into slavery to being one of the most prominent and influential African-American spokesman ever. One of the most inspirational biographies you shouldn’t miss.

1) Autobiography of Malcolm X, by Malcolm X and Alex Haley

This book was one of Time Magazine’s 10 Most Important Nonfiction of the 20th Century. Malcolm rose from a childhood of poverty and petty crime, to becoming one of America’s great speakers and debaters for social and cultural equality.
“Extraordinary . . . a brilliant, painful, important book.”The New York Times

Pick up any of these inspirational biographies today and learn from their wisdom. Apply the learnings to your own life to help you succeed and become a source of inspiration to others as well.

The post The 10 Best Inspirational Biographies appeared first on Everyday Power Blog.

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