Wednesday, February 28, 2018

A Good Apology Is Hard to Find

Apologies have been in the news a lot lately — both genuine apologies and refusals to apologize. Every day, women and men come forward to name those who sexually harassed them. Then we wait to see if the accused will... Read More ›

5 Ways to Stop Negative Self-Talk

Negative self-talk is a killer. It can destroy joy, motivation, success, and self-esteem in a heartbeat. Born of fear and anxiety, it’s a powerful force that often lurks below our consciousness. It can be the major determinant of how well or poorly we attain our goals and reach our potential.

By learning about negative self-talk, we can end its reign and get on with living our best lives. We can do this by:


Ways to Stop Negative Self-Talk

1.) Understanding its purpose.

Ways to Stop Negative Self-Talk


It’s sometimes difficult to view negative self-talk as purposeful. Why, we think, would I ever say things to myself which aren’t in my best interest? Why would I speak to myself in ways that I wouldn’t speak to anyone I love and care deeply about? The answer rests in the process of evolution.

When our species began some 200,000 years ago, there was a great deal to fear in our environment: wild animals, natural disasters, enemies – it was truly survival of the fittest. Our fears, tucked away in memory, were crucial to keeping us alive. These fears surfaced in the form of strong emotions and the meaning we made of them, such as fight or flight.

So if you thought that you were about to be attacked by a bear, you might have said to yourself, “Gee, that sounds just like a bear, like the one that tried to attack me last time I was in this part of the forest. I’d better skedaddle before he knows I’m here.” Of course, that would be extremely useful self-talk in that moment, because it’s for self-preservation.

Fast forward 200,000 years when we have far fewer authentic threats. What was then positive self-talk that protected us is now negative self-talk that prevents us from thriving. It’s true that if you were now in the woods and came upon a bear, you might want to urge yourself to move along in haste.

But it would also be important, if you were at the zoo with your son and saw a bear lumbering over to you, not to panic, grab your son’s hand, flee, and start screaming for help. Understanding negative self-talk means that you recognize that it might be there to help you—but it also may end up hurting you.


2.) Listening to our self-chatter.

Ways to Stop Negative Self-Talk


I use the word chatter to illustrate that our minds are full of babble pretty much all day long. This chatter is background noise that we ignore at our peril. You may be thinking that you don’t engage in self-chatter, but saying to yourself, “Boy, would she get on with it” or “What a bunch of malarkey” is self-talk, that is, speaking words from self to self to express a thought or emotion.

We all engage in self-talk – that fact is neither good nor bad. It simply is. It’s part of how humans think and motivate themselves to take action. It’s no different than conversing with other people, except that we’re more conscious of doing the latter than the former. You know, that is, (hopefully) that you’re talking with someone.

You don’t always know that you’re having a tête-à-tête with yourself—but you are most of the time. As an eating disorders therapist, my clients describe the conversations they have with themselves about eating certain foods. Self-talk might go like this, “Boy, I sure would love a piece of that cheesecake. But I shouldn’t have it. But I really want it. So what if I eat it. I already had French fries and a milkshake. The day’s already ruined.”  

It really helps them to focus on what they’re saying to themselves, especially the directives that aren’t going to enhance their eating. If they can start listening to themselves, then they can identify what they’re saying that isn’t helpful.


3.) Identifying negative self-talk.

Ways to Stop Negative Self-Talk


Once you start to listen closely to the monologue or dialogue that runs through your mind all day long, you can decide what is negative – and stop saying it. Remember that our words reflect our thoughts and beliefs. What we’re really doing is rooting out the cognitions which are not beneficial and replacing them with ones that are.

Negative self-talk is chock-full of words such as can’t, should, shouldn’t, bad, and wrong. Frequently, it involves words such as always and never. It impedes progress and smacks of self-denigration. Here are some examples:

  • I can’t do that.
  • I know I’ll fail if I try.
  • I always make mistakes.
  • I can’t ever do anything right.
  • I should know better.
  • I shouldn’t do that, but I’m too weak to say no.
  • I’m such a failure.
  • Dad is right, I won’t amount to anything.
  • Mom is right, I’m too fat to be lovable.

Negative self-talk can be general or specific, such as telling yourself you’re not good, or smart, or motivated enough to succeed at anything. It could be picking specific areas, for example, to eat healthfully, find love, or get a decent job.

It’s often a repetition of what we’ve been told in childhood, such as that we’re too picky, or quiet or lazy. The sad thing is that we don’t even realize that we’ve internalized someone else’s view of us. We actually believe its truth or fact that we came up with ourselves.


4.) Reframing self-talk.

Ways to Stop Negative Self-Talk


Reframing is a term that comes from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy that means expressing a thought differently. Let’s say, for instance, that you want to try out for a local cooking contest and you’ve never done anything like that before.

Not wanting to make a fool of yourself, you might tell yourself, “That’s a stupid idea. What do I know about cooking?” Obviously, this declaration by your inner critic is bound to impede you from signing up for the contest. A way to reframe your thoughts in a more positive light would be, “That’s an interesting idea. I may not be a professional chef, but everyone’s been telling me for years what a fabulous cook I am.”

Reframing involves going from negative to positive. It’s best done in the present tense, so that “I’m signing up today” is better than “I plan to sign up.” It also works best when it’s specific, so that “I’m using that great chili recipe everyone raves about” is more powerful than saying, “I hope I find a good recipe.”

Reframing should be done in the moment. If you say something negative about yourself or your abilities – and you catch it – stop right then and reframe your thoughts. Don’t wait. After a while, this three-step process of listening, identifying, and reframing negative self-talk will become a habit.


5.) Replace self-condemnation with self-compassion.

Ways to Stop Negative Self-Talk


It’s not enough to eliminate negative self-talk. We must replace it by saying something positive about ourselves – that something would be via self-compassion. If you are hard on yourself, you might want to read Self-Compassion: The Proven Power of Being Kind to Yourself by Kristin Neff, Ph.D..

It explains how we acquire and develop what therapists call a harsh super ego. The book also describes how to think about and speak to yourself in a loving, caring, kind way. As our self-talk is reflective of what we actually think of ourselves, it’s essential to change our self-view so that our talk flows out of it.

You will have a hard time erasing negative self-talk if you really believe that you’re a failure, that you’re defective, worthless, lazy, or stupid. Obviously, like the rest of us, you’ve made mistakes, have flaws, are motivated to do some things, and aren’t smart about everything. However, know that you are always worthy and lovable no matter what you internalized about yourself in childhood, or what anyone says about you now.

If you want to flip your self-talk from negative to positive, you’ll need to change your self-view. Speaking kindly to yourself in an upbeat manner will help the process. Fake it ‘til you make it works. But the fastest, most sustainable way to turn around your self-chatter is by making sure that you believe you deserve every kind and encouraging word you say to yourself.

The post 5 Ways to Stop Negative Self-Talk appeared first on Everyday Power Blog.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Short Story: Looking For Happiness

Once a group of 50 people was attending a seminar. Suddenly the speaker stopped and decided to do a group activity. He started giving each one a balloon. Each one was asked to write his/her name on it using a... Read More ›

15 Inspiring Quotes on Getting Rid of Bad Habits

Over the course of our lives, we’ve all developed behaviors or routines that have not served us well in our quest for happiness or success. Although these habits have kept us from achieving our goals, we often find it difficult to break free of them.

Sometimes, these negative behaviors become so routine that we perform them without thinking. But over time, bad habits are bound to become obstacles, weighing us down, forcing us to acknowledge that they are not good for us. We will soon feel an urgency to break free.

Warren Buffett summed this up quite well:

“Chains of habit are too light to be felt until they are too heavy to be broken.”

When we begin to feel the burden of our bad habits, we look around for a quick fix. We turn to others for direction or answers on how to get rid of them. But the truth is that, breaking bad habits are highly dependent on “the man in the mirror.”

We must first have the desire or motivation to make a change. Then we must change our mindset and our attitude. This drives us to make the decision to do things differently: to break the habit, or change it. Of course, we must effect a change by doing things in a new manner or using a new method.

The mechanism to break bad habits or to change must come from within us and not from others. This quote from former U.S. President Barack Obama not only applies to the broad scope of society and culture, but it applies to the needs of our individual selves:

“Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.”

So, here 15 more motivational quotes to inspire each of us to drop the bad habits, which stand between us and our personal fulfillment.


Inspiring Quotes on Getting Rid of Bad Habits

“You leave old habits behind by starting out with the thought, ‘I release the need for this in my life’.” – Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

Quotes on Getting Rid of Bad Habits



“There are no shortcuts for nurturing the movement toward wholeness other than drinking from the well of self-love.” – Don Stapleton

Quotes on Getting Rid of Bad Habits



“You cannot change your future; but, you can change your habits, and surely your habits…will change your future.” – Dr. Abdul Kalam

Quotes on Getting Rid of Bad Habits



“Saying NO to the wrong things creates space to say YES to the right things.” –  Mack Story

Quotes on Getting Rid of Bad Habits



TRANSFORMATION is much more than using skills, resources and technology. It’s all about HABITS of mind.” – Malcolm Gladwell

Quotes on Getting Rid of Bad Habits



“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.” – Aristotle

Quotes on Getting Rid of Bad Habits



“To change habits, we must study the habits of successful role models.” – Jack Canfield

Quotes on Getting Rid of Bad Habits



“Ultimately, your state of mind determines your circumstances. To realize the outcomes you want, it is critical to recognize and experience the transition from our present thoughts, habits, and actions to new thoughts, habits, and actions.” –  Darren L. Johnson

Quotes on Getting Rid of Bad Habits



“Nothing happens until the pain of remaining the same outweighs the pain of change.” – Arthur Burt

Quotes on Getting Rid of Bad Habits



“The secret of change is to focus all your energy NOT on fighting the old but on BUILDING the new.” – Socrates

Quotes on Getting Rid of Bad Habits



“If you’re gonna make a change, you’re gonna have to operate from a new belief that says life happens not to me but for me.” – Tony Robbins

Quotes on Getting Rid of Bad Habits



REAL TRANSFORMATION requires real honesty. If you want to move forward – get real with yourself.” –  Bryant McGill

Quotes on Getting Rid of Bad Habits



“Starting something new or making a big change requires effort, persistence and motivation…Doubt, fear and worry will only slow you down. Focus on doing your best now and celebrate every step of the way.” – Doe Zantamata

Quotes on Getting Rid of Bad Habits



“Using the power of decision gives you the capacity to get past any excuse to change any and every part of your life in an instant.” – Tony Robbins

Quotes on Getting Rid of Bad Habits



“How does one become a butterfly? You must want to fly so much that you are willing to give up being a caterpillar.” – Unknown

Quotes on Getting Rid of Bad Habits



Ready to kick those bad habits goodbye?

These inspiring quotes remind us that self-evaluation and mindset changes are necessary in any effort to break bad habits. Breaking bad habits require a process – NOT a knee-jerk reaction.

We must be willing to take our lives off autopilot – to evaluate our routines, behaviors, and attitudes. We should determine the most favorable adjustments for our well-being, then, implement them accordingly.

The post 15 Inspiring Quotes on Getting Rid of Bad Habits appeared first on Everyday Power Blog.

A precious moment when 108 year-old man tearfully meets his great-great grandson named after him

This is Mr. Esmond Allcock. Born outside of Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, in 1910, this dapper gentleman turned 108 on January 26. He is officially the oldest man in Canada! He is a husband to one, a father to six, a... Read More ›

Monday, February 26, 2018

A beautiful story to remind you to focus on the important things in life

The 1000 Marbles The older I get, the more I enjoy Saturday mornings. Perhaps it’s the quiet solitude that comes with being the first to rise, or maybe it’s the unbounded joy of not having to be at work. Either... Read More ›

Sunday, February 25, 2018

The long road to healing after the lost of a loved one

“I came across your page on Facebook and I’ve been inspired to share with you my story and journey. Back in 1997 when I was 12 years old my older brother Tyrell got killed by another person. At the time... Read More ›

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Boy stands up to bully and gets punished by school, father disagrees with principal

Bullying unfortunately is a perennial menace in society. It happens at work, in school and sometimes even in your own neighborhood. An imgur user who goes by wolverineprostateexams shared the story of his cousin standing up to his “constant” bully. According to... Read More ›

Boy stands up to bully and gets punished by school, but his father has another plan

Bullying unfortunately is a perennial menace in society. It happens at work, in school and sometimes even in your own neighborhood. An imgur user who goes by the username wolverineprostateexams shared the story of his cousin standing up to his “constant” bully.... Read More ›

Emotional ZOMBIE: For people who have been hurt deeply by another

This soul-shutting-down tendency reminds me of those classic zombie horror movies. You know, those unconscious, soulless zombies walking around in darkness, taking bites out of innocent, happy, soulful people? One chomp, then, suddenly, these newly bitten folks find themselves becoming... Read More ›

How to Take Control of Your Morning and Have Better Days

Mornings are important. If you want to go through the entire day and get things done, you need to start your morning with the right pace.

I believe there are days when you wake up late and everything just doesn’t seem to be “right”. You skip breakfast, get stuck in traffic, arrive late, and your boss looks at you in a stern way. You are hungry because you did not have breakfast, and there are piles of work waiting for you. It’s not difficult to imagine going through a hectic day just because you wrecked your morning.

Zig Ziglar once said, “You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great” – and he is absolutely right. When you take care of your morning and set off for a great start, the rest of your day will take care of itself.

When you learn how to take control, you will have better days. Here are a few suggestions on what you can do to jumpstart a great and productive morning.


5 Ways To Take Control of Your Morning and Have Better Days

1.) Exercise and Move Your Body

Take Control of Your Morning


The best-selling book, “What Do The Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast” by Laura Vanderkam, states that one of the key activities most successful people do in the morning is exercise. In her book, she says that if successful people who are extremely busy make time to exercise, it must be something important to them. Hence, what’s YOUR excuse?

Many studies and research have proven that exercise is not only good for your health, but it also improves mood and boosts energy levels. When you move your body and sweat, you stretch your muscles, increase your heart rate, and oxygen intake. As a result, you will feel more energetic.

When you exercise, your brain produces hormones called endorphins. They interrupt the receptors in your brain that reduce perception of pain. They also trigger positive feelings in your body, making you feel happy and less stressful.

Make it a habit to exercise in the morning before you kick-start your day. You will have more energy and better focus afterwards.


2.) Nurture Your Body with Healthy Breakfast

Take Control of Your Morning


It’s true that most people are busy, especially those who live in big cities. However, this does not mean that you can skip your breakfast. Do you know the word “breakfast” actually means “break-the-fasting”?

Think about it: you have a good night’s sleep for seven or eight hours straight without taking any food. After you wake up, if you do not feed your body and continue to fast throughout the day, guess what will happen? You can feel tired, find it difficult to focus, and have the inability to accomplish work because you’re hungry.

So start your day strong by nourishing your body with nutrients. Breakfast primes your metabolism rate and defines the pace of your entire day. You can perform better when you’ve eaten a healthy meal. It can improve your mood, concentration, and your overall performance throughout the day.

Fruits, whole grains, and slow-release carbohydrates such as oatmeal, are great options. Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Group, says that he has fruit salad and muesli for breakfast. Everyone wants to make the most of their mornings so it’s tempting to skip breakfast. But getting a nutritious and balanced meal is important to fuel your body and give you the right energy.


3.) Plan Your Day

Take Control of Your Morning


If you want to take control of your morning and live a better life, you must learn to plan. It is true that things may not always go your way, but having a plan is better than having no plan at all.

Clarity is power. When you know exactly what you need to do, you can jump into the task straight away without wasting time. Highly successful people understand that without a plan, they will simply react to whatever comes to them or requires their attention.

Arianna Huffington, founder of Huffington Post, says that she uses her early mornings to set priorities for the day so she can handle things in a timely manner.

When you know what to do, you hold yourself accountable and on track. You understand priorities and know the most important thing that needs to get done. This helps a lot in making your entire day productive.


4.) Work on Your Most Important Task First

Take Control of Your Morning


For most people, mornings are moments when they have the highest willpower. That’s why this is the best time to tackle your most important work of the day.

Mark Twain once said, “If it’s your job to eat a frog, it’s best to do it first thing in the morning. And if it’s your job to eat two frogs, it’s best to eat the biggest one first.” The frog here refers to your task. You have to get the most important task done first thing in the morning. After you’ve done that, the rest of your day will be easy.

This “Eat Your Frog” productivity technique is also mentioned by Brian Tracy in the book of the same title. Tracy writes in his book that there is no way you can eat all the tadpoles and frogs in the pond – but you can eat the biggest and ugliest one, and that will be enough (at least for the time being).

When you know that you have done the most important work, your confidence will soar and you can go through the day in a better mood. After all, you have done the essential tasks and have gotten the most out of your day.


5.) Wake Up Extremely Early

Take Control of Your Morning


One of the best ways to take control of your morning is to wake up really early. Highly successful people understand that time is an invaluable asset. Hence, they choose to wake up extremely early. Mornings are the most productive hours because there are hardly any distractions – and no one will disturb you at such an hour.

Oprah Winfrey says that she wakes up by 6 AM. Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson is up and in the gym by 4 AM. Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz wakes up at 4.30 AM. Apple CEO, Tim Cook, says that he usually wakes up around 3.45 AM to go through email, exercise, and enjoy a cup of coffee.

The thing is that when you get up early, you will have more time to prepare yourself for the day. Do remember that it is NOT how early you get up, but how you spend your morning that matters.

So make the most out of the early hours. When you start your morning in an awesome way, the rest of the day will follow.

The post How to Take Control of Your Morning and Have Better Days appeared first on Everyday Power Blog.

Friday, February 23, 2018

How To Take Responsibility For Your Mistakes Without Beating Yourself Up

“Okay, your turn”, my girls shouted from the backseat during our long car ride back from skiing.

“Tell us the biggest mistake you ever made.”

“Well I’ve made a ton of mistakes”, I responded, “too many to count.”

“Honestly”, I continued, “in my mind, mistakes only happen when you don’t learn anything from it. If you learned something, then perhaps it wasn’t a mistake after all.”

The girls didn’t have much to say after that. However, for me, it left me wondering. If this was true, then why do people waste so much energy beating themselves up over them?


Why People Beat Themselves Over Their Mistakes

How To Take Responsibility for Your Mistakes

Mistakes are defined as a misguided act or judgment. They often come from misunderstandings, poor communication, lack of awareness, or rushing. They range from small ones, such as spilling an entire carton of blueberries at the grocery store (like I did), to bigger ones such as lying, cheating, or stealing.

The challenge is, if you grew up with harsh punishments, criticism, or you have low self-esteem, wanting to take responsibility for your mistake is probably the last thing on your mind.

Mistakes are tricky because people tend to personalize them. Rather than say, “I made a mistake”, instead, they somehow become the mistake.

For example, if they get into an argument, they are more likely to see the relationship as being wrong rather than as an opportunity to learn ways to communicate better.


How To Take Responsibility for Your Mistakes

How To Take Responsibility for Your Mistakes

I believe the first step in accepting responsibility for your mistakes is to acknowledge the way in which you might have minimized, hurt, avoided, or ignored what was happening in your life. Very often, we get so engrossed in our thoughts and situations we lose track of how we are responding (or not) to them.

For example, you may get caught up in replying to an email that you forgot to pick up the milk. You get home and rather than take responsibility for your oversight, you complain about how no one appreciates how hard you work. Handling things this way leaves you feeling tense, fed up, and frustrated.

Without taking this first step, the details in your head can begin to dominate your life. You know this because you may spend a lot of energy picking apart, analyzing, explaining – and in many cases defending – your position. Here’s the thing, darling, it is NOT about the damn details.

It is the way in which you choose to disregard (and in some cases, disrespect) yourself and others. So you didn’t study for a test and you failed it. Yeah, you could have made a more proactive choice. However, if you truly dig underneath your decision, you’re sure to discover how you had been reacting to things that are happening in your life.


Final Words…

How To Take Responsibility for Your Mistakes

Seeing mistakes as feedback, opportunities for growth, learning, and development, will help. If you’re still not quite sure about how to take responsibility, I will tell you that your mistakes are highly connected to your purpose.

Yes, I said purpose. If you don’t know what that is yet, taking accountability for your mishaps will help reveal it. Sure you could play it safe: cut yourself off from world, put up a wall, and blame it on the economy.

My friend, in order to live a life of fulfillment, you got to take it easy and give yourself permission to make mistakes. They will make you stronger, wiser, and humble. After all, the honorable, Mahatma Gandhi once said:

“Freedom isn’t worth having if it doesn’t include the freedom to make a mistake.”

Take responsibility for your mistakes today!

The post How To Take Responsibility For Your Mistakes Without Beating Yourself Up appeared first on Everyday Power Blog.

11 Phrases Intelligent People Say Every Day (and So Should You)

Every success is based on action, but every action starts with a thought. That’s why every worthwhile accomplishment starts with a change in perspective, or a new connection, or a renewed sense of purpose and motivation. And sometimes success starts... Read More ›

7 Ways to Organize Your Day for Success

Nope, don’t panic. I’m not going to start by telling you to get up earlier! As an Integrative Nutrition® Health Coach, I firmly believe in bio-individuality. This is the idea that we are all unique: just as some people can’t tolerate gluten and some can, there are early birds and others are night owls. Neither […]

The post 7 Ways to Organize Your Day for Success appeared first on Everyday Power Blog.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Father injects 5yo son with HIV to avoid child support payments, he survives

When he was 5yo, Brryan Jackson, doctors were expecting he wouldn’t be alive  to celebrate his 6th birthday. They were certain about it, after he all he was diagnosed with HIV. That was in 1992. Brryan and his mom Today,... Read More ›

Father injects son with HIV to avoid child support payments

When he was 5yo, Brryan Jackson, doctors were expecting he wouldn’t be alive  to celebrate his 6th birthday. They were certain about it, after he all he was diagnosed with HIV. That was in 1992. Brryan and his mom Today,... Read More ›

Top 10 Inspirational Movie Quotes You Need To Read

Have you seen a movie, that instead of you raving about the story, it’s certain lines that stood out? For some reason, those words connected and they became your “GO-TO” quote whenever you need a pick-me-up moment. We explored the... Read More ›

Dad gives awkward and hilarious relationship advice to his brokenhearted son

“Hopefully I’ll have that again someday.” my son Evan said wistfully over the phone. “You will!” I encouraged him. “Just give it a while.” “Best that it’s over but there were still some fun times.” he went on. “You’ll have... Read More ›

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Quick thinking HERO teacher refused to open door — not even for SWAT

Shanthi Viswanathan,  algebra II teacher at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, Parkland, FL That’s her! Yes, the hero-teacher who had the presence of mind to barricade her students inside a classroom and wouldn’t let anyone inside until she knows all of... Read More ›

HUMOR: Cheating husband and the strange postcard

One day, about 9 months later, he came home to his confused wife. ‘Honey, ‘she said, ‘You received a very strange post card today.’ ‘Oh, just give it to me and I’ll explain it later,’ he said.

NEW BEGINNING: One Morning She Woke Up Different

One morning she woke up different. Done with trying to figure out who was with her, against her, or walking down the middle because they didn’t have the guts to pick a side. She was done with anything that didn’t... Read More ›

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

10 empowering sayings and poems for single women of all ages

1. As selfish as it sounded, she had to focus on herself. She kept trying to find happiness in other people but realized it had to come from within her. Everyone wasn’t meant to understand her solitude and some slighted... Read More ›

Sometimes you love the wrong person who does not deserve it

Sometimes we give love to the wrong person, and we sit there and wonder, ‘how could I have given love to that person? They don’t even deserve it,’ or ‘what a waste of time.’ But the thing is, you shouldn’t... Read More ›

7 Reasons Why You Are Not As Productive As You Can Be

Every day in our personal and professional lives, we seek to accomplish goals by completing specific responsibilities usually consisting of multiple tasks. While the basic aim is to complete each task, the bigger goal is to do so in an exceptional manner, achieving results of the highest standard. Our goal is to master productivity by […]

The post 7 Reasons Why You Are Not As Productive As You Can Be appeared first on Everyday Power Blog.

4 Things To Do To Love Yourself Again

The most important relationship you’ll have is the one you have with yourself. Pause and read that again. How does that statement make you feel? On a scale of 1 – 10, with 10 being “absolutely in love with myself,”... Read More ›

Monday, February 19, 2018

Young HERO used his body to shield classmates from gunman’s line of fire

Another hero is emerging from the recent tragedy that occurred in Parkland, Florida. Anthony Borges, a 15 year old student, is being hailed a hero when he bravely saved his classmates from getting shot by using his own body. His... Read More ›

Classmates survived because of this young man’s heroic act

Another hero is emerging from the recent tragedy that occurred in Parkland, Florida. Anthony Borges, a 15 year old student, is being hailed a hero when he bravely saved his classmates from getting shot by using his own body. His... Read More ›

Couple having difficulty having a baby ends up with a “big family”

Kenny and I have been married for 5.5 years. We knew we always wanted a family but didn’t know when the right time to start trying was. After about a year and a half of being married, we decided to... Read More ›

Woman’s cruel comment toward a person with disability got a well deserve clapback

I was waiting in line to buy tickets at a movie theater, and there was a fellow in front of me with cerebral palsy (or MS, or some other horrible thing that puts you in a chair and f*cks up... Read More ›

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Don’t feel guilty saying NO if you are protecting yourself

To protect your energy… It’s okay to cancel a commitment. It’s okay to not answer a call. It’s okay to change your mind. It’s okay to want to be alone. It’s okay to take a day off. It’s okay to... Read More ›

Saturday, February 17, 2018

How To Take Responsibility for Your Mistakes without Beating Yourself Up

“Okay, your turn”, my girls shouted from the backseat during our long car ride back from skiing. “Tell us the biggest mistake you ever made.” “Well I’ve made a ton of mistakes”, I responded, “too many to count.” “Honestly”, I continued, “in my mind, mistakes only happen when you don’t learn anything from it. If […]

The post How To Take Responsibility for Your Mistakes without Beating Yourself Up appeared first on Everyday Power Blog.

Friday, February 16, 2018

Easy Ways to Stay Frugal While Living Alone

Living alone has several advantages. One of them is that you can enjoy a peaceful atmosphere whenever you want and don’t have to deal with other people being noisy. However, being a single dweller is not always cost effective because you don’t share expenses. There are several simple things you can do to maximize frugality […]

The post Easy Ways to Stay Frugal While Living Alone appeared first on Everyday Power Blog.

“Daddy, can we be just together?” I’m not being dramatic but that was her question

Dear Fellow Human Beings, This morning, at her request, I took our 9-year-old daughter to a coffee shop. She brought with her a little crocheting activity; I brought the newspaper, a notebook & pen, and my phone. This was going... Read More ›

5 Ways to Continuously Learn About Yourself and the World Around You

It can be comforting when we feel that we have “arrived” in life, or when we think we’ve got everything figured out. Everything just seems more comfortable when we get in our own bubble and go on autopilot. After all, how much more is there to learn? The answer: everything! To thrive in this 21st […]

The post 5 Ways to Continuously Learn About Yourself and the World Around You appeared first on Everyday Power Blog.

Love a soft person, a human being who always has a kind smile for everyone

Love a soft person. The kind whose heart breaks over puppies and injured children. Someone who cries over sad endings to movies and feels deep joy over happy ones. Someone who kisses your soul instead of your heart because they... Read More ›

Thursday, February 15, 2018

The person who will love you more than anybody

In your lifetime, you will find and meet one person who will love you more than anybody you have ever known and will know. They will love you with every bit of energy and soul. They will sacrifice, surrender and... Read More ›

BREAKING: Hero coach sacrifices life to save students

A staff photograph of Aaron Feis from Aaron Feis, the assistant football coach of Marjory Stonemason Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, was among the heroes whose bravery are now being shared all over social media, according to an eyewitness... Read More ›

Failure – Motivational Video

Each and every one of us is unique. We look different, we talk different, we act different, we move different. We each have an incredibly unique purpose in life. If others make fun of you, judge you, or call you a failure, not even bothering to look you in the eye…will you live only to […]

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Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Young man helps elderly lady and she pays it forward in a touching twist of fate

This young man was driving home one evening, on a two lane country road. Work in this small mid-western community was almost as slow as his beat-up Pontiac, but he never quit looking. Ever since the factory closed, he’d been... Read More ›

The fairy tales said we all have happy endings, so where’s mine?

Often in the middle of the night after my son has gone to bed, and I’m alone, I cannot help thinking “Where is my happily ever after?  Where’s my happy ending?” The fairy tales I read as a little girl... Read More ›

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

7 powerful “pick-me-up” sayings when you hit rock-bottom

So what is rock-bottom? We think it is safe to say that that every human in this world will experience this in their lifetime. We believe it is not a place where you give up your dreams and call it... Read More ›

7 powerful “pick-me-up” sayings when you hit rock bottom

So what is rock-bottom? We think it is safe to say that that every human in this world will experience this in their lifetime. We believe it is not a place where you give up your dreams and call it... Read More ›

Here are 6 steps to stop your negativity and start seeing life positively

Whether it’s January 1 or June 30, every day is one in which you can make a resolution to improve your life. Every morning, you can wake up and choose to let negative energy control your life or choose to... Read More ›

Monday, February 12, 2018

This elderly woman’s call to the hospital will definitely make you giggle

Here’s a little story that has been online for years and STILL up to this day can put a smile on your face. If you’re having a bad day, read and laugh. A sweet old lady telephoned St. Joseph’s Hospital.... Read More ›

Excited Toddler Yelled “Dad!” Once Adoption Finalized

In 2010 my husband, Tyler, signed with the 101st Airbrorne division of the United States Army. 20 days after basic training he was sent on his first deployment to Afghanistan and would again return in 2013. “Blackhearts” is what the... Read More ›

Why this clever elderly woman calls the hospital will definitely make you giggle

Here’s a little story that has been online for years and STILL up to this day can put a smile on your face. If you’re have a bad day, read and laugh. A sweet old lady telephoned St. Joseph’s Hospital.... Read More ›

How Mindfulness Can Help You Build a Better Business

Life is full of distractions. People send 204,000,000 emails, Facebook users share 2,460,000 pieces of content, Twitter users tweet 277,000 times, and 72 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute. This is mind-boggling! If you’re an online entrepreneur who’s just starting out, it can be especially distracting when you’re trying to figure out […]

The post How Mindfulness Can Help You Build a Better Business appeared first on Everyday Power Blog.

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Three things that make leaving a bad relationship incredibly difficult

Are you struggling with a separation?   My friend “Brian” is going through the crazy time common during a divorce. Driven blindly by guilt, he’s making himself more miserable than he needs to be. He moved out, then guilt over... Read More ›

She pretends everything is OK, but on the inside, there was so much darkness

I have been in therapy since I was 24. When my dad died, I couldn’t get a hold of myself. Everything about me was just…dark. I would come home every day and try so hard to be the best mom... Read More ›

Her Mom’s Vicious Words Vs. Stranger’s Kind Words

The other day, a woman related a story to me about how her mother had viciously berated her since she was a child; and how one day, it was happening in an elevator—in front of others. When the door opened... Read More ›

Saturday, February 10, 2018

The Lessons In Life I’ve Learned So Far

1. I’ve learned that no matter what happens, or how bad it seems today, life does go on, and it will be better tomorrow. I’ve learned that regardless of your relationship with your parents, you’ll miss them when they’re gone... Read More ›

Friday, February 9, 2018

My Mind Blocked Out The “Trauma” Even Though I Knew It Happened

I have been in therapy since I was 24. When my dad died, I couldn’t get a hold of myself. Everything about me was just…dark. I would come home every day and try so hard to be the best mom... Read More ›

When You Are Losing Your Motivation Think Of This Quote

I first heard this quote a few years ago while taking a yoga class. The teacher was leading us through a beautiful vinyasa flow class and used this quote while we were in warrior II so we could visualize something we wanted to release or manifest in our lives.

8 Ways To Trust Your Intuition Or Inner Wisdom

We have all heard someone say, “Something made me uncomfortable, but I told myself it was all in my head.” Later, the story goes on to a tragic ending. You are taught not to trust your intuition, particularly if doing so makes you seem rude. I’m here to say that manners are not as important […]

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Thursday, February 8, 2018

87yo Graduates And Delivers A Powerful Speech

The first day of school our professor introduced himself and challenged us to get to know someone we didn’t already know. I stood up to look around when a gentle hand touched my shoulder. I turned round to find a... Read More ›

When Trying To Fix Things Is No Longer The Answer

There’s only so many times you can allow someone to let you down before you will no longer tolerate being disappointed. When things go wrong between two people, something has got to give. You get to the point where you... Read More ›

Woman Still Remembers The Kind Words Of A Stranger In The Elevator

The other day, a woman related a story to me about how her mother had viciously berated her since she was a child; and how one day, it was happening in an elevator—in front of others. When the door opened... Read More ›

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Meet Lucas – The 1st Gerber Spokesbaby With Down Syndrome

This is such an exciting news for everyone! Gerber just announced this morning its newest spokesbaby and it is LUCAS. After an extensive search on Instagram where they received more than 140,000 baby pictures they chose Lucas. The special announcement... Read More ›

Stranger Told Her To ‘Rethink’ Shorts, She Has Best Response Ever

Ok here goes. Read this. It’s long. I don’t care. I don’t want sympathy. I don’t want compliments. I want action. Read it. Women. Please, I beg of you PLEASE do not tear each other down. There is so much... Read More ›

55 Inspirational Quotes on Living a Life of Balance

Living a life of balance is about having a sense of independence and connectedness. For most folks it could mean a right sense and practice of self-care. For others, it’s a home that is organized and has a sense of sanctuary. But many can agree that it also involves having people in your life that […]

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Growing Older Is Mandatory, But Growing Up Is Optional

The first day of school our professor introduced himself and challenged us to get to know someone we didn’t already know. I stood up to look around when a gentle hand touched my shoulder. I turned round to find a... Read More ›

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Reboot Your Life Whenever You Have To

Moving on is a difficult decision one has to make a few times in life. You can try to hold on to people who have walked away from you, or you can […]

How Do You Heal From Anguish?

Chances are, if you were drawn to the title of this blog, you know the definition of the word “anguish” all too well. You know it isn’t like “sadness” or “depression”; Anguish […]

Monday, February 5, 2018

Today, I Witnessed A Story of Love

Today, I witnessed a story of love. Not the type of love shared by young people who are half full of passion, topped off with hormones. It was not the type of […]

Funny Motivational Quotes About Life For Inspiration and Laughs

Funny  Quotes About Life and Love That Will Inspire You Read 50 Funny Motivational Quotes for Inspiration and Laughs!

I Hope You Fall In Love

I hope you fall in love with someone who always calls you back and never lets you fall asleep making you feel unwanted. I hope you fall in love with someone who […]

Drive Carefully

When she was about seven years old, my little girl came into my room one morning before she left to walk to school. I’d been up late, writing, and was fast asleep. […]

50 Inspiring Mark Twain Quotes to Reshape Your Thinking

Mark Twain was an American novelist who challenged us to forego a mediocre life, and strive for more. In that, he tasked us with looking at the ordinary life – the type we are contented with – and the type of life we truly want to live. Are we happy now, or should we strive […]

The post 50 Inspiring Mark Twain Quotes to Reshape Your Thinking appeared first on Everyday Power Blog.

Sunday, February 4, 2018

37 Ralph Waldo Emerson Quotes On Living A Great Life

The post 37 Ralph Waldo Emerson Quotes On Living A Great Life appeared first on Everyday Power Blog.

Don’t Lose Your Focus

An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backward. So when life is dragging you back with difficulties, it means that it’s going to launch you into something great. So just […]

So You Have an Idea for An App. How Can You Take Massive Action To Make It Happen?

A lot of us have ideas for websites and apps, but not everyone has a background in programming. That doesn’t have to stop you. With the right mindset and preparation, you can achieve success with building and launching your own app.   From Idea to App: How To Make It Happen Step One – Wireframe […]

The post So You Have an Idea for An App. How Can You Take Massive Action To Make It Happen? appeared first on Everyday Power Blog.

Saturday, February 3, 2018

The Man Who Took My Mother Away Would Be Forever Known As…

From my early age I couldn’t refer to the man who would be my step dad by his real name. His name was the name not to be spoken in front my […]

Grandma Shares Her Wisdom And It Lights Up The World

A young woman went to her grandmother and told her about her life and how things were so hard for her. She did not know how she was going to make it […]

The Hospital Window: Power Of Encouragement

Two men, both seriously ill, occupied the same hospital room. One man was allowed to sit up in his bed for an hour each afternoon to help drain the fluid from his […]

Friday, February 2, 2018

Look After Yourself As You Would A Best Friend

I’ve been hurt, lied to and brokenhearted. I have felt alone when I couldn’t afford to be. But at the end of the day, I had to learn to be my own […]

Make Yourself The Best Gift Possible

“Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them; that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.” — Lao […]

My Son, Ben

I just wanted to share something positive.  My son, Ben, had leukemia when he was 3 years old. He had to have 3 years of chemotherapy. When he was 7, the leukemia […]

Thursday, February 1, 2018

My Mother’s Last Bad Words

On a trip back to my old hometown, I drove out to the senior’s residence to spend some time with my Mom.  I hadn’t seen

I Am More Than Just A Sparkly Diamond

Today I ran across a meme on Facebook that got under my skin (I know, you are amazed that I would find something I read on Facebook annoying or offensive, right?)  The text went something like this: ‘Diamonds are created from time and pressure’.  While these weren’t the exact words I am sure you get […]

Inspirational Morning Quotes to Help You Seize the Day

The power of positive thinking and positive self-talk is profound. The things we think of early in our day are most often what sets the tone for the entire day. Therefore, it is so important that we have available to us – whether it be in mind, on paper, taped to our mirrors, or in […]

The post Inspirational Morning Quotes to Help You Seize the Day appeared first on Everyday Power Blog.