Tuesday, January 8, 2019

10 Ways to Unleash The Beast In You

There’s a beast in you.

A beast that wants to express its personal power and its mighty strength.

For me, the beast is a quality of being unstoppable, tough and fierce. My beast zone is when I can get into a zone of being unstoppable, feeling like I can conquer anything, and being completely in the present moment.

What does getting into beast mode mean to you?

How To Unleash Your Beast

1. Face your fears.

You could consider the beast in you as fearless to all the things that frighten you. Being fearless means to FEAR LESS. Do more and fear less. Appreciate that as a human you have fears, we all do.

How we deal with our fears becomes part of our personal development story. The fears you have are tiny, compared to the mighty inner potential that you have waiting to be awakened deep inside.

2. Train yourself like an athlete.

When your mind and body are in sync, they are your personal powerhouse. When you go to the gym, train in martial arts or train for a marathon, you are pushing yourself past your limits. You can give more, do more, and be more.

You’ll realize you can go even further than you initially thought! When you’re going through your to-do list, reviewing for your exams, or creating a new business product or service, train yourself to bring your full mind and body.

3. Manage your nerves.

There a many times in our daily lives when nerves get the better of us. Manage your nerves. Become aware of the fine line between nerves and excitement.

Respect the feeling of nerves in you, feel the excitement bubbling and know that deep down, you are a beast that can get through anything!

4. Challenge yourself on a regular basis and keep learning.

Stay in the zone of learning, the zone of challenge, the zone of stretching yourself. This zone is your friend.

This zone can also become your new comfort zone the more you exercise here! The beast in you is always expanding!

5. Be courageous in your communication.

Communication is the bedrock of great personal relationships. In order to have meaningful relationships, we have to be honest and speak the truth.

The truth may hurt but a lie told with a smile is a lot worse in the long run. Always come from a place of love and compassion when speaking the truth.

6. Don’t be afraid of your own shadow.

The beast in you knows it has awesome aspects which are EASILY lovable. Yet, the beast in you also knows that there are aspects of you that are dark, and in the shadows, which might seem frightening.

Those parts of ourselves are just as lovable, and make us authentic and real.

7. Be humble and grateful.

The beast in you knows that life can end at any point, that no one should be taken for granted. As special as you are, you’re also not any more special than anyone else! IT’S A HUMBLING TRUTH!

8. Use powerful language.

Use language that empowers you, words that make you feel good, that make you feel inspired.

Also, notice when you are speaking of limiting beliefs, or you’re complaining. Change your language and the way you talk to yourself.

9. Get sh*t done!

Don’t think, just do it! No stopping, stay focused, keep pushing forward. GET IT DONE! Ask yourself throughout the day, am I doing well, or can I do better?

10. Trust yourself.

Trust yourself that you know more than you know. Release the lion or lioness in you and be unstoppable!

The question is, how will you bring your your beast in 2019?

The post 10 Ways to Unleash The Beast In You appeared first on Everyday Power Blog.

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